The "goo" sounds like something disgusting. But you can change that in the word "hydration". I know the popular expression: "Behold, the woman saw the man, and he immediately "pomerculo" between the legs". Yes, this is the sludge - a normal reaction to a stimulating object on the women. But without these secretions, sexual intercourse is similar to chopping carrots with a grater.
Gentlemen, virgin, first time sex, don't be afraid of the secretions, the secretions of the women when excited - it means he likes you.
A small example from life. A very shy virgin, still of school age, in love with a girl from the parallel class. Crazy, wrote the anonymous love poems, but the emphasis did not notice.
He doesn't know, to "roll up" with him, because I didn't know what the basics need to be examined sexually. He, the fool, the relevant literature to read, but even the small amount of the great poets pulled. The only thing vaguely heard that there are sexually transmitted diseases, there is something, then dripped to the body.
It just so happens that the object of desire to seduce her. Somewhere, somehow school became blurred. Here's the house, not the parents, the destiny of everything. The kiss, the tenderness, the hand grabbed the labia - is a normal woman mucus during arousal. But now shod to such fear, is flat, that the girl infected with a terrible disease because the moisture in the panties was Oh-Oh! Poor guy, he's "half six" ignominiously fled the "goddess".
Later, it failed lover, a sad laugh, recalling that this is the case, as he lost his first love. Yes, time heals everything, then found out he is married, you will get a lot of kids.
That why it appears that the selected women in the excitement?
Vaginal fluid has a very complex composition, which is produced in the sex glands located in the vagina, the uterus, vaginal epithelium. I don't think the mucus is released only during the excitation in small quantities in the vagina all.
However, before the intercourse during the awakening of the body to throw out the mucus several times more, in order to make sexual intercourse more comfortable, not dry, does not cause discomfort for both parties.
Healthy vaginal discharge is slightly thick, clear mucus , no noticeable smell, unnatural colors. Every woman is the amount of moisture different, it all depends on the degree of excitation, ready for the intercourse. An experienced partner to always understand, that excited his lover, any history to the sex, not the dubious pleasure of running dry.
But ample lubrication to the women's excitement, sometimes it can be a problem of a psychological nature, all the lovers, especially if the couple for the first time, and for a short time was a sexual relationship. A man assume that a woman is something wrong: either the scene, or there is any problem with the health of the genital area. The girls hesitate, or even refuse sex. In his opinion, such a lot of moisture pushing away a partner, and ... very unpleasant sounds in the vagina due to this during sexual intercourse is similar to... Well, understand.
What color is the discharge from the norm, a real fear
So, the list in the following colors:
- colorless or slightly whitish tint;
- abundant white cheese liquid;
- gray or greenish;
- In the first case, you don't have to be afraid. The white river, the awakening of the women -not a sign of the disease, it is common Beli. Occur, especially in women, who are in the ovulation period of the signal to the time of conception of the child. White color can lubrication during arousal, especially if you repeat sexual intercourse or after sex with a condom.
- In the second case, if the panties girls white cheesy discharge the vagina and the genitals look inflamed, it's likely that you have a fungal infection. This does not mean that you have a venereal disease, doesn't mean that he is unclean - this may be a reaction to antibiotics or any personal hygiene products. But the sex is desirable condom.
- The liquid in the awakening, women gray green tint can be dangerous to the partner. I'm not just talking about the danger, but the presence of a pungent smell , sorry, rotten fish, let me know what is the girl something from someone "picked up". Even if the girl is always so clean and orderly. This lady, the "trouble" definitely have an impact on health.

Myths of the fans of adult films emissions
In the beginning, I would like to dispel the misconception, the fans of the adult film, it's simply pornography. Sometimes in the movies there are the episodes: here engaged couple, sometimes more like a wild sex, the women begin thick discharge during waking, but to fill the floor, the bed, and the orgasm in general, a whale let a strong stream of water in the vaginal mucus.
After I watched the movie on the Internet, a debate: whether it is possible or not. Something even the "knock your ass to the chest", that he personally saw this when sleeping with a partner. Straight to the stupid, stupid bravado.
Lightly wet the bed under my ass - maybe, but pour yourself a gallon, the toes, ears, but still broken - this does not happen.
So advice to girls not to be ashamed, that somewhere under it formed a little puddle: it's okay, just because my body reacted to the arousal, lubrication was more. The men's advice - don't be afraid and embarrassed the girl: you look really stupid.
But when the poor lubrication, or lack thereof, have mercy on both of you, well, it happens, especially with couples Mature, when a woman reaches the menopause, but she's still Oh, how I wish! Well, actually, the sex-shop special gel lubricant, so go ahead, it's good sex!
Sometimes during sex a woman notes the unpleasant feeling of dryness, as not enough lubrication - natural secretions of the genital tract, which helps to perform a sexual act. Why is this happening? The problem is that the partner, or the woman? What can help in such a delicate situation, what tools should be used? These questions require a detailed discussion.
Sex is a natural need of the body. The men and women is not only procreation, sex is an expression of love, tenderness, passion, joy. Every couple's sexual relationship is a natural stage of a relationship. However, sex is a mutual pleasure, this is an equal relationship between two people, if one of the partners sexual contact brings discomfort, relationships spoiled. One of the most common female problems dryness during sex due to not enough lubrication. Lubricant, colourless, viscous liquid oozing the excitement of the women before intercourse in the period of foreplay, during sex. This will help the introduction, and the movement of the sleeve, prevent the discomfort, the micro-cracks and unpleasant. As a result, the impact of various external and internal factors, the degree of selection of the lubricant can vary. The lack of lubrication, the sex, because women are a burning sensation, and other unpleasant feelings.
Why is fat less?
Dryness of the vagina can occur for various reasons: reduction in the number of the reproductive hormones in the menopause, after childbirth, the diseases of the ovaries, or by general diseases of the body. Reduced quantities of lubricants, stress, physical exhaustion, when taking alcohol and Smoking after some medications.
Also not enough lubrication , as a result of mechanical damage to the casing due to an active, intense sex, rough penetration due to Allergy to condom. But one of the main reasons to reduce the amount of lubricant is not sufficient for awakening women, because of the short foreplay, or lack of, if your partner is not interested or doesn't excite a woman. The scientists estimate that women, on average, approximately 8-10 minutes (in some cases up to 15!) the excitation, if the partner is in a hurry, you may find that uncomfortable because of the dryness.
If there is not enough lubricant, intimate connection only becomes unbearable for the woman, and try to avoid them, that will suffer than the personal relationship between the partners, mood, psychological comfort, in fact the woman's self-esteem.

Where do I begin to "work the bugs"?
First, we need to talk about the problems of the partner, the change of sexual relationships: the diversity, sufficient attention peting in order to get a woman aroused and her vagina has allocated enough lubrication comfortable penetration of men. Every woman has certain incentives, as well as "secret areas". It is important to inform your partner what you like the best, what kind of foreplay would be like in the period of foreplay.
If the problem only occurs occasionally, you can use special artificial lubricants (lubricants) created the required slide, and then the humidity. But if the problem occurs almost every time it is necessary consult a doctor. Sometimes cause dryness lies in the fact that the simple dehydration, just don't have enough liquid for the production of additional fat. Then will help you to increase the amount drunk per day of the liquid. As an option: the lack of lubrication in may occur due to a reaction to the means of intimate hygiene. Often women tend to overdo things intimate soap, disturbed the normal microflora of the vagina draining, as well as the mucous membranes. In this case, you need to change hygiene products at a special.
The formation of the secretion in the case of excitation in women happens due to the fact that during sexual intercourse increases the lubricant. This occurs because the natural lubricant, applied to protect reproductive organs from mechanical damage, which is a much larger amount of mucus.
The exemption contains a number of substances that protect the reproductive system infection. But there are cases, when the discharge during intimacy too abundant, or vice versa - it's not enough to be unpleasant.
Important! Healthy women vaginal lubricant, moderately thick, opaque consistency, there is a characteristic odor and color. If there is any change in the color, or viscosity, you need to contact the doctor to quickly determine the pathology.
It is important to clarify the nature of the vaginal secretion. How abundant the formation of the secretions, and in their absence can be a worrisome sign. The effect of the change in color and viscosity of the mucus, it could be the medication, the age factor, hormonal changes.
Effect of sexual intercourse the formation of mucus
The average performance on the wall of the vagina, the moisture formed after 12-16 seconds after active stimulation of the erogenous zones. This also occurs if a woman is a strong selection to occur when waking the psychological level. After the genitals introduced a natural lubricant , mucus continues to produce, and even increase the volume.
The stimulation of mucus is secreted in the norm, more than the maximum emission occurs at orgasm. If he refuses, to initiate the procedure, the mucus is normalized.
Natural lubrication is a sure sign that what happened to the female excitement , which is impossible to encourage or fake. If the penetration of the sperm in the female genitalia may vary, the consistency of the lubricant discharge from the vagina, a new form, the consistency, white color .
The change in the drainage during intimacy
Distribution of the women is obvious in the form of aqueous liquid material, which acts as a lubricant. The larger amount of lubricant generally occurs when a woman is Horny. Often, the girls, after intimacy there is a formation of specific vaginal discharge . If sexual intercourse happens without a condom, then the action can occur after the women to the formation of thick, transparent secretory compartments mucus.
In such a formation, the casing, after a short time transferred to another form, the discharge formed a white liquid. During protected sexual intercourse, or when a sudden interruption of the discharge note of a little white creamy texture. Changes in the branches of the vagina sometimes occurs because the actions of the hormonal medication.
In applying the drug in hormonal measures (e.g., birth control pills, or other means) may be formed of an allergic reaction, which is characterized by the inhibition of the ovulatory process. In this case, lubrication is much less than the normal quantity. Rarely observed in the employment, the contraceptives, the presence of much larger branches of the mucus. As soon as hormonal medicines, the measure is normalized.
The negative effects due to the change of the sexual partner
If the girls frequently change sexual partners trigger changes in the vaginal lubrication. Offices of the penis can become more dense, and abundant. This is because while sexual relations with a new partner changes the state of the microflora of the genital organs.

Because of the actions of the new conditionally pathogenic microflora penetrates the system, the organisation of the vagina is produced by adaptation to unfamiliar bacteria, micro-organisms, in some cases, total rejection. Often, this is the result of the growth in the number of branches in the mucus, changing the color, the texture, the fat. As a general rule, gradually increased to normal. However, frequent change of partners, form of serious illness, infertility.